Monday, October 29, 2007
Kung Fu Panda!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Ok...... What do you all think of this first image of the 'Predalien'
from the upcoming movie AVP-R? Personally I think it look bad
& I'm not saying bad in a way like bad-ass, I'm saying it look bad
like sucks or what the hell, those sort of bad.
I was hoping that this will not be the fully grown version of the
creature. It look......err, well......basically it look bad! Look more
like a giant walking cockroach to me!
You can click on this link to read an interview with the directors
about their vision of the movie.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Meet The Spartans!
I found this trailer on YouTube & was kind of wondering is
this for real or not so I did some researched & found out that
the answer is yes, this is real!
I believe it came from the same team that brought us Epic Movie
& Scary Movie, both which are just ridiculously nonsense & I guess
this one will not be any different as well. Not really sure what type
of story this movie going to be told, well, I guess there isn't any story
to be expect for such kind of movie anyway, judging from the trailer.
Errrr... should I watch it in the cinema? Hmmm..... maybe I will. Well,
about the release date, unfortunately there isn't any news on that yet.
You can enjoy the photo & trailer first if this movie sounds interesting
to you & for those who have watched 300 & enjoyed the movie alot,
you just got to watch the trailer!
WARNING: Any fan of Britney Spears, please do not watch this video!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Wolverine Official Title & Sweeney Todd International Trailer!
Wolverine the movie gets an official title & a release date.
20th Century Fox has set a May 1st 2009 release date for
the movie under the title X-Men Origins: Wolverine
which star Hugh Jackman.
Personally I think they should just go with Wolverine as the
title but I guess it's a way to make money cause I believe
everyone will be mistakenly think it is a fourth installment
from the successful X-Men trilogy movie.
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in
X-Men: The Last Stand
Lastly, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
international trailer is now online! You can watch it via this
link! If you wish to know more about the movie, you can visit
to my older post by clicking here or you can just simply go to
Yahoo Movies to find out more!
Let see, we now got 2 bloody movies to look forward during
X'mas month, one is Sweeney & another is AVP-R. Not bad...
Johnny Depp & Helena Bonham Carter in
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Transformers Wal-Mart DVD Exclusive!
The Eye Trailer!
You can check on the new trailer from the movie by clicking here!
Starring Jessica Alba, The Eye opens in theaters on the 1st of February.

Friday, October 12, 2007
Lust, Caution!

Bee Movie!
Bee Movie Bee Movie...... Hmmmm. Actually I'm not really
excited about this movie at all but looking at the release date
which is on the 2nd of November, there really isn't any much
movies for you to be excited about during that month!
Therefore I must make myself getting all hyped out for this
movie! Basically, the story is about a bee that is graduated
from college & eventually ventures outside the hive cause he
do not wants to spend his whole career just making honey.
Ultimately, he discovers that human has been stealing honey
from them & set out to sue the human for that! Now that's an
interesting part, suing the human race. If you would like to know
more about this movie, just click here to visit the official website.
You may check out on the newly posted photo below & click here
for more, thanks to!
Will it be good? Well, we'll just have to wait & see.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
New Golden Compass Trailer!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
First Look At Astro Boy! has posted the first image of Astro Boy
which they received exclusively from the people over at
Imagi Animation Studios, studio that brought us TMNT
in March. Check it out!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Resident Evil: Extinction Movie Review!

If you would like to know more about the movie,
you can visit to the official website by clicking here!
Resident Evil: Extinction
Movie Tickets!
You can also check out the below video for some laugh as the way
this guy edit scenes from the game Resident Evil 4 is really good
I can say.
WARNING: Video contains violence & explicit language!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street!
When we heard the news that Tim Burton is making yet another new film
& this time reunites again with none other than Johnny Depp himself just
made both of us feel like a little kids again.
We both really enjoyed & loved every movies from Tim and Johnny in the
past & even until now, movies such as Batman, Nightmare Before Christmas,
Sleepy Hollow, Edward Scissorhands & Corpse Bride. Finally looking at the
trailer from their latest movie together just drive us crazy!
You can watch the trailer via this link!
The story is about a man play by Johnny Depp who is wrongfully imprisoned
by a judge play by Alan Rickman. After 15 years, he then returns & re-opens
his barbershop with the help of his landlady play by Helena Bonham Carter.
He eventually seeks revenge on those who is responsible in putting him to jail.
Ok.. here's the good part. Heard from all kind of sources that this movie will be
bloody as hell with lots of killing & blood & stuffs. Some scenes involve baking
bodies into a meat pies & killing peoples in a barber chair with a straight razor!
Here's another good part. From the trailer, it looks like there's is going to be
some sort of a broadway musical style.
Violence plus broadway musical style! Can't wait!
Iron Man Poster!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Balls Of Fury Movie Review!

If you would like to know more about the movie,
you can visit to the official website via this link!
Balls Of Fury Movie Tickets
10,000 BC Poster!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Wall.E Theatrical Trailer Online!
Another New Aliens Vs. Predator - Requiem Trailer!
Another new trailer from the movie AVP-R! You can now watch
the trailer via this link! Can't wait for this one when it is release in
the cinema this coming X'mas.
Hmmm..... hopefully will be 10 times better than the first one.
Figures below come together with the first Alien Vs. Predator DVD
Limited Edition Gift Set! Nice.........