MarketSaw has posted some interesting scan photos of James Cameron's Avatar
taken from the latest issue of Empire & Studio Ciné-Live Magazine. You can head
over to MarketSaw for more scan photos! Avatar hits theaters on December 18!

MarketSaw has posted some interesting scan photos of James Cameron's Avatar
taken from the latest issue of Empire & Studio Ciné-Live Magazine. You can head
over to MarketSaw for more scan photos! Avatar hits theaters on December 18!
Yahoo! Movies has posted 3 new banners for Roland Emmerich's
2012 which opens in theaters this coming November 13th, 2009!
ComingSoon.net has an exclusive photos from Jonathan Mostow-directed
Surrogates which stars Bruce Willis & hits theaters on September 25th.
The trailer for James Cameron's Avatar is now officially online! The
film hits theaters on December 18th, 2009!
Yahoo! Movies has uploaded the new trailer for Joe Johnston upcoming
film The Wolfman which hits theaters on February 12th, 2010! You can
click here to view the trailer in High Definition!
ComingSoon.net has an exclusive image of Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer
in Jon Favreau's Iron Man 2 which hits theaters on May 7th, 2010!
20th Century Fox has released new image from James Cameron's
Avatar which opens in theaters on December 18th, 2009! The film
stars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana & Sigourney Weaver.
Universal Pictures has released new photos for Joe Johnston upcoming
film, The Wolfman on Yahoo! Movies. The movie opens in theaters this
coming February 12th, 2010!
ShockTillYouDrop has the exclusive poster of the movie Saw VI
which opens in theaters this coming October 23rd, 2009!
Marvel has uploaded the concept art of Whiplash in Iron Man 2 which
opens in theaters on May 7th, 2010!
Empire Online has posted an exclusive poster for the movie Dorian Gray.
Starring Ben Barnes, Colin Firth & Rebecca Hall, the film opens in theaters
on September 9th, 2009!
Fox International has released a new photo for James Cameron
upcoming film Avatar which hits theaters on December 18!
Summit Entertainment have released the new trailer for the animated
movie Astro Boy which opens in theaters on October 23rd, 2009!
Yahoo! Movies has uploaded an exclusive clip from Neill Blomkamp's
District 9 which hits theaters this coming August 14th, 2009! Kindly
click here to view the clip.
Yahoo! Movies has uploaded the new trailer for Spike Jonze upcoming film,
Where the Wild Things Are! You can click here to view it in High Definition.
The movie hits theaters on October 16th, 2009!
Marvel has uploaded 2 new photos from Jon Favreau's Iron Man 2
which opens in theaters on May 7th, 2010! You can click here to read
the full articles!
Yahoo! Movies has uploaded the new theatrical trailer for the movie,
Fantastic Mr. Fox which opens in theaters on November 13th, 2009!
You may click here to view the trailer in High Definition!
Walt Disney Pictures has released 5 new concept art for their upcoming
animated movie Rapunzel which hits theaters next year!
The promotional trailer for director Neill Blomkamp & Peter Jackson District 9
is now online. You can click at the player provided below to view the video. The
movie open in theaters on August 14th, 2009!