
Probably one of Pixar's finest movie yet! The animation, story line, direction & voice acting are just simply perfect & enjoyable to watch. I still can't believe that they manage to create the whole Paris scene that look so real & you just couldn't believe that it's an animation, not to mention all the beautiful foods as well. The crew actually went to all the high end restaurants in Paris just to study & select what kind of foods to be use in the movie. While I was watching 'the making' on TV, one of the crew member actually said that he feels bored already with high end foods after eating almost everyday while they were in pre-production! So gooood......
After grossing over US$553 million worldwide in the box office, 'Remy' the rat has already joined the rank of his other popular relative such as Mickey Mouse & Jerry. Ratatouille will be release both in DVD & Blu-Ray format on the 06th of November.

This is probably one of the worst Shrek movie if compare with the last two. Well, to be honest, I didn't actually find it funny at all & was kind of bored when the movie is about to reach to the middle part. Since I loved the first & second series of the movie, I guess I'll just have to purchase it when the DVD is out on the shelves, just to sort of complete my collection for the trilogy. Sigh..... this is one of the disadvantage being a collector I guess. Most of the time I will end up buying DVD or graphic novels that eventually ended up storing in the shelves cause I don't have the time to watch, read or might not even like the item that have been purchased, & all this are just for the sake of collecting.
After grossing over US$793 million worldwide & landing as the second highest grosser of the year domestically, a fourth movie is already in the work & will be out somewhere on May 2010. The fifth will be the final movie for the Shrek franchise according to the studio.
Not sure will there be any spinoff or not, so far I'm hearing that 'Puss' the cat, one of the major character in the movie is getting his own spinoff. We will have to wait & see. Shrek The Third will be release in both DVD & HD DVD format on the 13th of November. It also comes in a trilogy boxset.

Hmmmm...... Not sure will I ended up being dissapointed or happy after puchasing this DVD since I haven't actually watch the movie yet. All I know is that Hairspray has received quite a number of positive reviews from critics & my friends as well. Since John Travolta is back with his dancing move although this time as a woman, I'm sure it will be worth spending my money on the DVD since I enjoyed watching him dancing his way in Grease & Saturday Night Fever.
Hahaha... Speaking of dancing, I actually got a little taste of it when I started joining the gym last year but eventually I gave up after a few months.
Well, not exactly giving up, it just happen that the guy who taught me has left & is being replaced by another guy which is a complete jack-ass. So I drop the dancing class & concentrate on watching the girls dance instead. Hehehe..... Body pump & Body combat are still my favourite sort of exercising program.
With a total gross of over US$190 million, Hairspray will be release in both single & 2-disc edition standard DVD & Blu-Ray format on the 20th of November. It also comes in a limited edition giftset DVD as well.

I feel that the director Len Wiseman actually did a great job in bringing back the Die Hard franchise after more than 10 years since the release of the third movie call Die Hard: With A Vengeance back in the year 1995. I basically liked all of the previous three movies but I can say that this new installment is certainly one of the best so far & I was hoping that they will make another one, at least. I love this movie so much that I actually went to see it twice in the cinema. Suprisingly, it just got better the 2nd time I've watched it & I just ended up loving this movie even more!
Its really been quite awhile since I have watched any movie twice. If I'm not mistaken, it should be during the time when I'm still studying in my secondary school where movie's ticket price was like half of the price now! I was wondering if people are going to watch movie in the cinema if ticket price continue to increase in the near future.
For example, will you watch a movie if it cost you around $20 or maybe more depending on how fast they want to increase the price? I guess the answer will be no, well......, maybe yes, unless hollywood, the chinese or even people from bollywood can come out with a great story or an impressive visual that audiences have never experience before, otherwise most of them will probably ended up downloading or rent it.
With a combine worldwide total of over US$375 million, Live Free Or Die Hard will be release in both single & 2-disc collector's edition in DVD & Blu-Ray format on the 20th of November. It also comes with all four movies in a single collection & this edition will only be available in Blu-Ray format.

From the people who brought us
Shaun Of The Dead comes yet another comedy movie call Hot Fuzz, but only this time you won't be seeing any dead zombies walking around. For those who have not seen the movie Shaun, I highly recommend that you go watch it cause it's so hilarious that you just have to see it to believe it. Back to Hot Fuzz, I just wanted to say that I feel so relief when I've decided not to purchase the DVD on its first day of release cause now they are releasing it in a 3-disc collector's edition! It just feels kind of suck when you've bought something on the early stage & knowing that another version which is better than the first is coming out.
This incident actually happen to me on & off, for example, I'm now owning three version of DVD from a single movie call X-Men. It started with the first edition release, then came the 1.5 version & eventually the box set edition which include the second part of the movie. Next time I will have to remind myself to be patient for awhile & wait for another two or three months after the release date just to be safe.
Hot Fuzz has gross over US$79 million worldwide & will be release in a 3-disc collector's edition on the 27th of November. The normal version is already out for those who is not interested in a collector's edition of the movie.